
Personal Protection Videos

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A Million Excuses - SS1055IE (9 Min.)
This video, although humorous, delivers hard-hitting impact for all employees. The program examines the “million” excuses offered by employees for not following established safety policies and procedures, not wearing Personal Protective Equipment and for not using common sense on the job. When employee’s see the excuses in this program, it may cause them to examine some of their own attitudes which may be unsafe.
A Million Excuses - SS1055IS (10 Min.) Spanish
This video, although humorous, delivers hard-hitting impact for all employees. The program examines the “million” excuses offered by employees for not following established safety policies and procedures, not wearing Personal Protective Equipment and for not using common sense on the job. When employee’s see the excuses in this program, it may cause them to examine some of their own attitudes which may be unsafe.
Blink And You Could Lose Your Hand - E9723E
This video recounts the story of Calvin, a mill worker who suffered a traumatic hand injury while operating a papermaking machine. The viewer will see not only the cause of the injury, but also the resulting consequences and how they affect Calvin and his family. The program also shows what safety rules should have been followed to prevent this incident and other industrial hand injuries.
Blink And You Could Lose Your Hand - E9723S
This video recounts the story of Calvin, a mill worker who suffered a traumatic hand injury while operating a papermaking machine. The viewer will see not only the cause of the injury, but also the resulting consequences and how they affect Calvin and his family. The program also shows what safety rules should have been followed to prevent this incident and other industrial hand injuries.
Bloodborne Pathogens: Know the Risk SS1027B (13 Min.) UPDATED
Bloodborne Pathogens are a potential hazard in every workplace. Even minor first aid situations can present a potential risk. That's why training is so important. This prgram takes the mystery out of Bloodborne Pathogens by explaining, in simple terms: What Bloodborne Pathogens are What diseases they can cause and How to prevent exposure.
Bloodborne Pathogens: Know The Risk - SS1027BS (13 Min.) Spanish
Bloodborne Pathogens are a potential hazard in every workplace. Even minor first aid situations can present a potential risk. That's why training is so important. This prgram takes the mystery out of Bloodborne Pathogens by explaining, in simple terms: What Bloodborne Pathogens are What diseases they can cause and How to prevent exposure.
Eye Safety Basics - SS1024BS (12 min) Spanish
This program explains eye protection requirements in a way anyone can understand. After all, everyone knows the benefits of safety glasses yet too many neglect them. This video is a good way to remind them about the importance of wearing eye protection when required. You will find your employees respond well to this entertaining and informative video.
Eye Safety Basics – SS1024BE (10 min)
This program explains eye protection requirements in a way anyone can understand. After all, everyone knows the benefits of safety glasses yet too many neglect them. This video is a good way to remind them about the importance of wearing eye protection when required. You will find your employees respond well to this entertaining and informative video.
Fall Protection: Equipment and Safe Practices SS1118IE (11 Min.)
Falls in the workplace are one of the most common types of injuries on the job, and the goal of this program is to provide employers and employees with information on recognizing potential fall hazards at their work sites, and suggest ways to avoid, minimize, control or prevent them. The audience will learn how to identify factors that contribute to common fall hazards, and how to analyze their own work areas for those hazards. The video covers: The OSHA Fall Protection Standard Fall Protection Plans Housekeeping and Engineering Controls Personal Protective Equipment and more....
Fall Protection: Equipment and Safe Practices SS1118IS (11 Min.) Spanish
Falls in the workplace are one of the most common types of injuries on the job, and the goal of this program is to provide employers and employees with information on recognizing potential fall hazards at their work sites, and suggest ways to avoid, minimize, control or prevent them. The audience will learn how to identify factors that contribute to common fall hazards, and how to analyze their own work areas for those hazards. The video covers: The OSHA Fall Protection Standard Fall Protection Plans Housekeeping and Engineering Controls Personal Protective Equipment and more....
Hand Safety: You Control It – SS1063IE (12 min.)
A hand injury occurs in the workplace every 32 seconds. Though they usually do not grab the headlines and are not fatal in nature, over 16 million individuals seek emergency care each year for hand injuries. Hands are often in the forefront of the specific task being performed and thus exposed to more risks. This program educates your employees on the different types of hand injuries that can occur, how to recognize common hazards found in the workplace and preventive measures to take to protect their hands. Safety is a personal responsibility. A hand injury can occur in a moment, but affect your for a lifetime. This program will motivate your workers to use best practices to prevent hand injuries.
Hand Safety: You Control It – SS1063IS (12 min.) Spanish
A hand injury occurs in the workplace every 32 seconds. Though they usually do not grab the headlines and are not fatal in nature, over 16 million individuals seek emergency care each year for hand injuries. Hands are often in the forefront of the specific task being performed and thus exposed to more risks. This program educates your employees on the different types of hand injuries that can occur, how to recognize common hazards found in the workplace and preventive measures to take to protect their hands. Safety is a personal responsibility. A hand injury can occur in a moment, but affect your for a lifetime. This program will motivate your workers to use best practices to prevent hand injuries.
Hearing Conservation: The Facts – Spanish - SS1020BS (11 min.)
This video heightens awareness of hearing conservation in the workplace. Explains the anatomy of the ear, how noise can cause hearing loss, and how to prevent hearing loss.
Hearing Conservation: The Facts – SS1020BE (11 min.)
This video heightens awareness of hearing conservation in the workplace. Explains the anatomy of the ear, how noise can cause hearing loss, and how to prevent hearing loss. Includes a cameo appearance of “Lou Ferrigno”, noted famous body builder, author and trainer, who has been severely hearing impaired since birth.
Heat Stress: Facts & Prevention - SSG001E (9 Min.)
Heat Illness...it can happen to just about anybody working in hot or humid conditions. It can be serious. It can be fatal. But, it' doesn't have to be. A few simple, easy to do steps can mean the difference between just another day at work and a serious medical emergency. This video outlines these steps in an easy to understand manner.
Heat Stress: Facts & Prevention - SSG001S (11 min.) SPANISH
More illnesses are surfacing from employees working in abnormally high temperatures, such as in a hot warehouse or warm assembly environment. This video discusses heat stroke, heat stress, fainting, and precautions to take when working in a hot environment.
PPE Refresher (Employee) - A4931 (4 mins)
Most workplaces require at least some level of personal protective equipment, or PPE. PPE is designed to protect employees from potential hazards. It's the last line of defense against injuries when something goes wrong. But PPE doesn't do a bit of good unless we know how to use it and when to use it.
PPE Refresher (Supervisor) - A4932E (5 mins)
Most workplaces require at least some level of personal protective equipment or PPE. PPE is designed to protect employees from potential hazards. It's the last line of defense against injuries when something goes wrong. But while employees may know the benefits of PPE, it can sometimes be difficult to get them to wear it. That's why, as a supervisor, it's important that you encourage employees to make the right choice and wear the proper equipment. How can you do that? Get them to understand that you truly care about their health and safety. Remind them that they're valuable both to the company and to their families and that their PPE is there to protect them.
PPE: Basic Training - SS1028BS (12 mins.) Spanish
PPE:Basic Training is just that, the Basics. Viewers will learn the basic purposes of each type of PPE and what hazards the PPE protects them against. Personal Responsibility to wear the PPE is stressed as is wearing the proper PPE for the proper task. Topics include: Footwear, Gloves, Eye Protection, Head Protection, Respirators and more. A great way to train new employees or open a discussion with experienced workers.
PPE: Basic Training - SS1028BE (12 mins)
PPE:Basic Training is just that, the Basics. Viewers will learn the basic purposes of each type of PPE and what hazards the PPE protects them against. Personal Responsibility to wear the PPE is stressed as is wearing the proper PPE for the proper task. Topics include: Footwear, Gloves, Eye Protection, Head Protection, Respirators and more. A great way to train new employees or open a discussion with experienced workers.
PPE: It's Your Call – SS1021BE (12 min.) UPDATED
This video addresses the most important part of Personal Protective Equipment: The responsibility of the individual to wear the equipment when it’s required. All the procedures and equipment in the world are useless if employees do not understand this one simple fact.
PPE: It’s Your Call - Spanish - SS1021BS (10 Min.)
This title addresses the most important part of Personal Protective Equipment: The responsibility of the individual to wear the equipment when it’s required. All the procedures and equipment in the world are useless if employees do not understand this one simple fact.
Proper Hand Washing Techniques SS2203AE (4 Min.)
Hand washing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. But, if you are not doing it properly, then you are not effectively preventing yourself from getting sick. This video shows WHEN to wash your hands and HOW to wash your hands. Quick and to the point.
Proper Hand Washing Techniques SS2203AS (4 Min.) Spanish
Hand washing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. But, if you are not doing it properly, then you are not effectively preventing yourself from getting sick. This video shows WHEN to wash your hands and HOW to wash your hands. Quick and to the point.
Respiratory Protection & Safety - M275 (22 mins)
Respiratory Protection and Safety provides employees with important information needed in order to understand the risks associated with airborne contaminants and helps facilities in complying with requirements of the OSHA Respiratory Standard. This program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.
Respiratory Protection: The Facts - SS1030BE (17 mins)
Sometimes it is difficult to respect a hazard you can’t see or one that may take years to affect you. Respirators can provide protection, but only if they are worn and used properly. Respiratory Protection creates an awareness and respect for the hazards by demonstrating with highly effective graphics how the respiratory system works and the effects of different airborne hazards. The program covers proper use, care and maintenance of air-purifying respirators and the importance of proper selection and fit. Respiratory Protection will educate and motivate your worker on when and how to properly use their air-purifying respirator.
Respiratory Protection: The Facts - SS1030BS (18 mins) Spanish
Sometimes it is difficult to respect a hazard you can’t see or one that may take years to affect you. Respirators can provide protection, but only if they are worn and used properly. Respiratory Protection creates an awareness and respect for the hazards by demonstrating with highly effective graphics how the respiratory system works and the effects of different airborne hazards. The program covers proper use, care and maintenance of air-purifying respirators and the importance of proper selection and fit. Respiratory Protection will educate and motivate your worker on when and how to properly use their air-purifying respirator.
Safety Showers & Eye Wash M371E (17 Min.)
Employees who are exposed to hazardous materials can suffer severe injuries, including burns, blindness, even death. But safety showers and eye washes can help them to avoid this. This video discusses how this equipment works and how employees should use it if they or a coworker are exposed to a HAZMAT on the job. Topics include: HAZMATS, safety showers and eye washes. Standards for decontamination equipment. Using a safety shower. Using an eye wash. What to do after a HAZMAT decontamination. and more.
Safety Showers & Eye Wash M371S (17 Min.) Spanish
Employees who are exposed to hazardous materials can suffer severe injuries, including burns, blindness, even death. But safety showers and eye washes can help them to avoid this. This video discusses how this equipment works and how employees should use it if they or a coworker are exposed to a HAZMAT on the job. Topics include: HAZMATS, safety showers and eye washes. Standards for decontamination equipment. Using a safety shower. Using an eye wash. What to do after a HAZMAT decontamination. and more.
Surviving The Fall: Proper Use Of Your Personal Fall Arrest System - AP4731E (11 mins)
Falling just a short distance can generate huge forces and cause injury, even if you don’t hit the ground. The proper use of fall protection equipment reduces these forces and prevents injuries. In this program, viewers will see fall protection equipment deployed in actual fall events and learn the proper selection and use of these devices. In addition to safe work practices, such as 100 percent tie-off techniques, emphasis is placed on having a rescue plan in place should a fall occur.
Surviving The Fall: Proper Use Of Your Personal Fall Arrest System - E4731S (11 mins) Spanish
Falling just a short distance can generate huge forces and cause injury, even if you don’t hit the ground. The proper use of fall protection equipment reduces these forces and prevents injuries. In this program, viewers will see fall protection equipment deployed in actual fall events and learn the proper selection and use of these devices. In addition to safe work practices, such as 100 percent tie-off techniques, emphasis is placed on having a rescue plan in place should a fall occur.
To The Point About: Bloodborne Pathogens - ETP01 (13 mins.)
Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards that can hurt us or kill us. Controlling these hazards and preventing injuries or illnesses is the point of our safety and health program. One such hazard is the one presented by bloodborne pathogens. Bloodborne pathogens are tiny microorganisms found in human blood or other bodily fluids that can cause diseases in humans. Controlling our exposure to bloodborne pathogens can prevent these diseases and save lives. That is the point of our facility’s Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Program and that is the point of this program. Topics include the exposure control plan, occupational exposure, routes of entry, universal precautions, use of barrier devices, safe handling of potentially infectious material, decontaminating a potentially infected work area and how to respond to an exposure.
To The Point About: Bloodborne Pathogens - ETP01 (13 mins.) Spanish
Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards that can hurt us or kill us. Controlling these hazards and preventing injuries or illnesses is the point of our safety and health program. One such hazard is the one presented by bloodborne pathogens. Bloodborne pathogens are tiny microorganisms found in human blood or other bodily fluids that can cause diseases in humans. Controlling our exposure to bloodborne pathogens can prevent these diseases and save lives. That is the point of our facility’s Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Program and that is the point of this program. Topics include the exposure control plan, occupational exposure, routes of entry, universal precautions, use of barrier devices, safe handling of potentially infectious material, decontaminating a potentially infected work area and how to respond to an exposure.
To The Point About: Personal Protective Equipment - ETP06
Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards than can hurt us, or kill us. Controlling these hazards and preventing injuries is the point of our safety and health program. When our body parts are exposed to certain hazards there is a potential for bodily harm to occur. Properly selecting and wearing personal protective equipment can reduce or eliminate this exposure, prevent injuries and save lives. That is the point of our facility’s personal protective equipment program and that is the point of this program. Topics include hardhats, hearing protection, eye and face protection, gloves and hearing protection.
To The Point About: Personal Protective Equipment - ETP06 (13 mins.) Spanish
Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards than can hurt us, or kill us. Controlling these hazards and preventing injuries is the point of our safety and health program. When our body parts are exposed to certain hazards there is a potential for bodily harm to occur. Properly selecting and wearing personal protective equipment can reduce or eliminate this exposure, prevent injuries and save lives. That is the point of our facility’s personal protective equipment program and that is the point of this program. Topics include hardhats, hearing protection, eye and face protection, gloves and hearing protection.
To The Point About: Preventing Hearing Loss - ETP04 - Spanish
Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards than can cause injury and disability. Controlling these hazards and preventing injuries is the point of our safety and health program. One such hazard is the one presented by high levels of harmful noise. Controlling our exposure to high levels of noise can prevent the life changing effects of hearing loss. That is the point of our hearing loss prevention program and that is the point of this program. Topics include how the components of the ear process sound, permissible exposure limits, use of disposable and reusable ear plugs, advantages and disadvantages of ear muffs, audiometric testing and the importance of protecting our hearing.
To The Point About: Preventing Hearing Loss - ETP04 (14 mins)
Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards than can cause injury and disability. Controlling these hazards and preventing injuries is the point of our safety and health program. One such hazard is the one presented by high levels of harmful noise. Controlling our exposure to high levels of noise can prevent the life changing effects of hearing loss. That is the point of our hearing loss prevention program and that is the point of this program. Topics include how the components of the ear process sound, permissible exposure limits, use of disposable and reusable ear plugs, advantages and disadvantages of ear muffs, audiometric testing and the importance of protecting our hearing.
Working Safely In Cold Weather - SS1071IE (16 min)
Working safely in cold weather requires more than just the right clothing. This presentation provides viewers with detailed information on how to safely work in cold weather conditions. It will explain how the systems of the body work in cold conditions, how to spot frostbite and other cold-related illness, as well as how to properly dress and work in the cold months. Prevention is emphasized as viewers are shown signs of distress to look for in themselves and co-workers and how to safely handle such situations.
Working Safely In Cold Weather - SS1071IS (16 min) Spanish
Working safely in cold weather requires more than just the right clothing. This presentation provides viewers with detailed information on how to safely work in cold weather conditions. It will explain how the systems of the body work in cold conditions, how to spot frostbite and other cold-related illness, as well as how to properly dress and work in the cold months. Prevention is emphasized as viewers are shown signs of distress to look for in themselves and co-workers and how to safely handle such situations.